- Mary Andrews
- Pam Ard
- Angel Van Asch
- Laura Bailey
- Rebecca Bailey
- Logan Barber
- Sherry Beal
- Bobby Beavers
- Gayle Black
- Jeff Boggs
- Pam Brady
- Faye Brooks
- Logan Brooks
- Jimmy Bryant
- Jeannie Burns
- Sylvia Butler
- Marlon Carpenter
- Sherri Williams Carter
- Paisley Chriscoe
- Melva Cleary
- Danny Coltey
- Mark Crumpler
- Andy Culberson
- Sylvia Culberson
- Ari Dasnoit
- Gary Davis
- Bruce Debnam
- Carol Edwards
- Denise Edwards
- Margie McNeese Edwards
- Wayne Ellington
- Jack & Pam Emerson
- Jane Eubanks
- JoAnn Fox
- Mike Fox
- Gaynelle Fulford
- Harper Gales
- Rickey Gilley
- Grace Haven Home
- Jesse Gray
- Mark Harris
- Ruby Powers Hart
- Ned Headen
- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hester
- Wally Hines
- Doris HInshaw
- Hurley Hinshaw
- Jon Hodges
- Maddie Huffman
- Mary Hutchins
- "Aunt Bob" Johnson
- Betty Johnson
- Matthew Johnson
- Randy Johnson
- Bryant Kidd
- Keith Kidd
- Wanda Kimball
- Lee & Linda Lehman
- Martha Lindley
- Liz Matthews
- Leland McCloud
- Lunette McCollough
- Bruce McDaniel
- Mary Dell Moody
- Ryan Moody
- Clarene Morris
- Cathy Nail
- Charlyn Noble
- Gary Nunn
- Darlene Paige
- Pastor Search Team
- Kenneth Phillips
- Chip Price
- Frank Robinson
- Jackie Robinson
- Phil Russell
- Cathy Sales
- Jana Still Sanders
- Ellen Seagroves
- Don Sellers
- Kathy Sellers
- Wilda Senter
- Steve Soehren
- Dan Stafford
- Jamin Stoltzfus
- Wayne Stuart
- Ronnie Terry
- Sue Underwood
- Richard Vanderford
- Albert Vestal
- Karen Walton
- Keith White
- Lydia White
- Diane Whitehead
- Bud Whitt
- Charles Winters
- Ernie York
Every effort is made to ensure that no one is included on this public prayer list without consent. If you see anyone listed who should not be — or if you find an error or misspelling — please contact us by clicking here.